Mental Faculties

The Will – Focus vs Force

For the past two months, we have been exploring our six mental faculties. First we looked at imagination, then intuition, and this month we delve into the will.

When President Kennedy asked Dr. Wernher Von Braun what it would take to build a rocket that could carry a man to the moon and bring him back safely to the Earth, Von Braun answered him in five words, “The will to do it.” […]

Listening To The Still Small Voice

Have you ever called someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, only to have them say, “I was just thinking about you!”  Have you ever had a ‘gut feeling about something, only to find out your were right?  Have you ever had a hunch you should bring your umbrella with you on a perfectly clear morning, only to get caught in a freak rainstorm in the afternoon?  That is your intuition at work. […]

The Power of Imagination

The mind is such an amazing instrument.  When we harness the power of the mind, the possibilities of what we can create for ourselves and our world are infinite.  However, like any other instrument, it takes practice to learn how to use the mind well.  To give you an idea of what the mind is capable of, imagine this.  If you stand with your two feet together – the area covered by your two feet represents the amount of our mind that most of us are using.  But if you draw an 11 mile radius around yourself, that represents the amount that the mind is capable of. Needless to say, most of us have a lot or growing room. […]