What’s The Opportunity?

Have you ever had one of those days (weeks, months or years) where you feel completely overwhelmed by the circumstances showing up in your life? Sometimes I’ve even felt that the confluence of circumstances coming together are such a “perfect” storm, that it HAS to be a “God Job”.
What do I mean by that?
Well, if we really do believe that the Universe conspires for our good, then when things seem really really bad, there has GOT to be something greater seeking to emerge. There has GOT to be a greater opportunity in it for us.
When I have been blindsided by circumstances that have knocked the wind out of me, I’ve found it helpful (after picking myself up) to get curious and ask…
What’s the opportunity in this for me?
I’m willing to have the circumstance (it shapes me, molds me, expands me, grows me), but I REFUSE to let the circumstance have me. What’s the opportunity in this for me?
Asking that question has always (not sometimes) ALWAYS led me to an opportunity to live a greater, freer, fuller, more expanded, more fun, more fulfilling version of myself and my work in the world.
Your Turn
What circumstance is threatening to “have you”? What’s the opportunity in it for you? What could be the greater thing that is seeking to emerge?
Love from me to you.