Today I Played

Today I Played
Today I played in a field
with my Self
We laughed, and ran, and held hands
communicating without words, the smiles on our faces said it all
Today I skinny dipped
with my Self
We stood atop the highest rock, and jumped screaming to the pool below
cold, exhilarating, alive, it took our breath away
Today I laid on a warm granite slab
with my Self
Closing our eyes we took in the light and warmth of the sun’s transforming rays
melting into each other, all boundaries dissolved
Today I became my Self
all the light and compassion and knowing I have so admired in Her
became Me, and I cried with tears of joy
realizing I had become the Me I have so longed to be
~ Pamela Sterling
February 5, 2010
Wow…that’s profound and beautiful Pam.
Truly, this is beautiful, Pam. Thank you for sharing this, and for sharing of your Self.
Beautiful sweetie. Sounds like a magical day for you. Many blessings, Densie
Hi Pam,
This is just as beautiful and as powerful as the first time I read it… 🙂