joyful heart

Our Hearts Are Made For Love

Our hearts are made to love. Love is our soul’s assignment. There are so many opportunities to experience and express love each day with family, dear friends, and even in kindness shown toward a stranger. And although we may feel perfectly complete and whole in who we are, for many of us, the love of and for an intimate partner is where we find love’s most complete expression.

If you are looking to attract the love of your life this year, here are some tips you might find useful… […]

A Brother Like That

The following story touched my heart and I believe, captures the true spirit of the holidays.

Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present.

On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. “Is this your car, Mister?” he asked. […]


Nothing frees our heart more than forgiveness.  I have been learning a lot about forgiveness lately, and it has brought me to a whole new understanding and perspective.  Many years ago, I used to think that there were some things that were just plain unforgivable.  People can do some pretty awful things sometimes and in my mind, there were some things that just didn’t seem ‘worthy’ of forgiveness.  But one of the important things I learned along the way is that, as long as there is someone ‘jailed’ their has to be a ‘jailer’.  Forgiveness frees the one jailed, but most importantly, it frees the jailer to a life of greater freedom, fullness and joy. […]


Nothing gets our joy on faster than gratitude. That’s because gratitude shifts our perspective, it shifts our focus, and that shifts our feelings and attitude.  When our feelings and attitude shift, that shifts our vibration, which means that not only do we see and experience things from a new perspective, we also begin to attract a whole different set of experiences to us.  Wallace Wattles had some amazing things to say about gratitude in his powerful little book, The Science of Getting Rich. Listen to this… […]