Moments of Magnificence
This week I embarked on a road trip. My destination on day one was beautiful Yosemite Valley. What a spectacular work of Mother Nature. As I came in the South entrance and traveled the winding road toward the Valley, I noticed and appreciated how beautiful the trees and the views were, but I also knew that there was something even more magnificent ahead. Then as I traveled through the tunnel before it opened to the Valley, I remembered the first time I drove through that tunnel, with no idea what I was going to see on the other end. Then in a moment…. Magnificence. Magnificence that never ceases to take my breath away as the spectacular and majestic Yosemite Valley opened up before me.
It occurred to me that life is a lot like that. Most of the time, we are enjoying a beautiful journey with its vistas and newness around every turn. Then there are times that feel like we are stuck in a tunnel, not sure where it is all leading, wondering what happened to the beauty that surrounded us. But if we continue to ‘go confidently in the direction of our dream’ (to borrow from Thoreau), that tunnel has the potential to open to Magnificence. Every once in a while, we step into a moment of Magnificence. I feel as though I am in that kind of moment right now in my life. The Universe has opened up a majestic and spectacular vision of possibility in front of me. I cherish it, I am awed by it, I step into it, and I am deeply grateful.
Where are you in your life today? Are you enjoying the beauty of the the surrounding nature on a winding road? Are you in a tunnel, not sure where it will all lead? Or are you in a moment of magnificence? No matter where you are on your journey, embrace it, enjoy it, step into it, and trust it.