Hook. Book. Look. Took.

35 years ago, my first mentor taught me a simple formula for structuring my teaching that I’ve used ever since in designing curriculum, crafting signature speeches, developing presentations, and writing blog posts.
The formula is simply this: HOOK. BOOK. LOOK. TOOK.
Let me unpack that a bit.
Capture the audience’s attention from the very beginning. Tell a story, share a quote, ask a question, give them a sneak peak (e.g. In 2008, I learned the power of a single decision… A decision that changed my whole life… OR Over the next 30 minutes I’ll share with you how one 93 second video landed my client a $12K coaching client. OR Over the next 60 minutes I’m going to show you how to make big money from small lists OR In the next 60 min I’m going to share with you the 3 questions you MUST ask in order to realize your dream, and the 1 question that keeps most people from ever living it.
This is the main teaching point or points of your talk/lesson/blog post. – E.g. “When something really bad happens, there has got to be something greater seeking to emerge. I asked myself, what’s the opportunity in this for me. I’ll have this circumstance, but I refuse to let this circumstance have me. What the opportunity.” OR (with regard to the 3 questions you MUST ask to realize your dream) 1. What would you love? 2. What does it look like exactly? 3. What would you do if you didn’t believe it was impossible?
Invite the audience to look at the application of the teaching in their own lives. E.g. – ‘What’s the opportunity for you today?” OR How would you answer those questions?
Call to action. Invite the audience into a clear call to action. It could be as simple as – “Listen for and look for the opportunity that has YOUR name on it, and when you find it – say YES!” OR I want to invite you to take just one step today in the direction of your dream. What is that for you?
Make sense?
Your Turn
What’s a presentation, blog post or course you can apply this to in the next week?
Share what you plan to apply this formula to, and feel free to link to that piece of content if you’d like.
Mostly, have fun with this and let me know what you think.