Fulfillment is that deep, satisfying, incredible feeling that I am living a life I LOVE. I am living the life I was meant to live. I am living a life that matters, that contributes, that makes a difference, a life of outrageous joy and deep satisfaction. Living a life of fulfillment is our soul’s purpose and it sits at the core of a Life. Well. Lived.
What brings deep satisfaction and joy is unique for each of us. Each of us has a particular expression of our soul’s purpose, a unique calling for which we came. And yet, in our uniqueness, we are also bound together by a common purpose – to live a greater, freer, fuller more expanded experience and expression of our Divine essence. In so doing, we leave our own indelible and undeniable mark on the family of humanity.
Food, fun, fitness, faith and family all play a roll in our experience and expression of fulfillment. Fulfillment is not a stand-alone; it is both interconnected and interdependent with all the other areas of our lives.
Fulfillment is also a journey. We will constantly reach new destinations and we will constantly birth new desires. That’s how all of Life works – we are continually pulled to the moreness, continually evolving to the next turn on the spiral of our own becoming. It is as we follow that pull, that we literally bend time and space to bring about the desires of our heart.
The posts in this section are designed to inspire, support, and encourage you in the ever-evolving journey of your soul’s purpose, and to equip you with the tools necessary to live a life of deep, satisfying and profound fulfillment.
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