
I believe we are meant to live with outrageous joy and extreme well-being. I believe we are meant to thrive and live a life we absolutely love living.  I help people create that kind of life.

I have the privilege every single day of working with people who have said YES to their dream, YES to a bigger version of themselves. But my experience has shown me that most of us don’t start out there. Most of us start with some level of discontent, some recognition of the gap between the life we are living and the life we’d love to live – I want to help you close that gap.

If you have a dream, a vision of the life you’d love to create, I’ll help you breathe life into that dream by teaching you the art and the science of holding that intention and acting on it in such a way as to bring it into reality.  If you’re not sure what your dream is, you just know that ‘this isn’t it’, I’ll help you define it, design it, and live into it.

The tools I teach others are tools I practice in my own life.  I’m living a life that started as a dream, an idea, an image of the life I wanted to live.  These tools are not complicated, but most of us were not taught what they are or how to use them.

Through coaching, I teach you these tools and how to use them, and most importantly, I provide ongoing support, motivation, accountability, and belief in you when you may have a hard time believing in yourself.

I know the value of coaching in my own life, which is why I set an intention to work with and be mentored by the most elite teachers in the world in the area of personal and spiritual transformation.  I am privileged to be coached one-on-one by Mary Morrissey and am honored to have also trained under Paul Martinelli, Bob Proctor, and Les Brown.

Are you ready to be bigger, go deeper and shine brighter than you ever have before? Whether you are looking to create more joy, well-being and abundance in your health, relationships, finances, career, or spiritual life,  I can help you get there.

If there is any part of you that feels a pull toward coaching, I invite you to take the first step and drop me an email at  Once I receive your email, I will contact you to set up and appointment to talk.  I look forward to hearing from you.

“If you’re ready to embark on a journey of personal transformation and change, then Pam Sterling is the coach for you.  Pam is a masterful coach and guide.  I never thought I needed a coach – because I am also one by profession – but I was wrong.  My work with Pam has been a revelation and she has helped me navigate some very dicey waters.  Everybody can benefit from a coach of her caliber. If you really are serious about creating the life you’ve always wanted to live, then working with Pam Sterling can help make that happen. I look forward to my meetings with her because I always come away with clarity and perspective. Her process works, if you work it.  I highly recommend Pam if you’re ready to move forward in your life.”

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