What does it take to become “Best In Show”?

What does it take to become “Best in Show”?
I was watching the famous Westminster Dog Show this week. Who knew there were so many different breeds of Terriers – Parsons Terrier, Sky Terrier, Fox Terrier, Rat Terrier, Border Terrier, Lakeland Terrier, Russell Terrier. Each was a spectacular representation of their breed. And each strove first to be the Best in BREED. Then to be Best in GROUP. Then to be Best in SHOW.
The Point? They don’t get to be Best in Show by trying to be the Best in Show. They get to be Best in Show by first being Best in BREED.
My invitation and exhortation to you is this…
Focus on being Best in Breed.
Pick a lane and swim in it. And don’t just swim in it… OWN IT! And don’t just own it, determine to be the BEST IN THE WORLD at it.
You’ve heard it said – so much so perhaps that it feels like “yawn, yawn” – but here’s the truth… when you try to speak to or serve everyone you end up speaking to and serving no one. That’s the TRUTH.
What is your LANE? Own it!
What is your niche? Own it!
What is your specialty? Own it!
What is your unique message? Own it!
Own it with authority and determine to be the absolute Best in Breed.
When others want you to go outside your lane. Don’t.
When you feel like you need to appeal to a broader base. Don’t.
The Sky Terrier is not trying to be a Fox Terrier. And the Rat Terrier is not trying to compete as a Russell Terrier.
The way you get to be Best in Show is by focusing on being the absolute Best in BREED.
YOUR TURN – In what are you striving to be Best in Breed?
Own it!