4 Steps to Mastering Manifestation

Genivieve Behrend isn’t exactly a household name, but she’s someone you’ll want to get to know. Genevieve Behrend was a master manifestor. She mastered the art and science of manifestation and demonstrated that by manifesting $20K in just 6 weeks. But here’s the catch… that was in 1912! Experts say that a comparable amount today is around $450K to $500K! Have I caught your attention?
What I am about to share with you is the template Behrend used to manifest the money. This is also the template that, if you use it, will enable you too, to become a master at manifesting whatever it is you want to be, do, have, give, or create.
Some Background…
Genivieve Behrend was widowed in the early 1900s and although her husband left her pretty comfortable financially, and even though she was surrounded by wonderful friends, inside she felt a deep sense of loneliness, emptiness and isolation. This feeling sent her on a quest to find peace, meaning and contentment. In her quest, Behrend stumbled upon the lectures of a man by the name of Thomas Troward. In his lectures, Troward taught that our thoughts cause of our results. There was one paragraph in particular that leapt out at Genivieve and changed the trajectory of her life. The paragraph reads:
“My mind is the center of Divine operation. The Divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression, and this means the production of something that is beyond what has gone before, something entirely new.”
When she read this, Behrend realized that there was a Divine essence that lived within her and that it was the ever-expanding source of the peace, contentment, meaning and joy she had been looking for. She was so inspired, that she decided she wanted to go to London to study with Troward.
This is where our story of manifestation begins… Behrend calculated that to take a ship from New York to London and stay there for a year or two to study with Troward, would cost about $20,000. But she didn’t have it and had no idea how to get it. So here is what she did…
Start with the mindset that you are co-creating with the Universe.
The life you want wants you. This isn’t an us and them proposition. That desire you have for more money, or more love, or better health, or more fulfilling work in the world, that desire is LIFE itself seeking fuller expression through you. Start by seeing yourself at one with this Universal presence and power in the co-creative process. Manifestation is done in partnership with this Power.
Behrend did this by focusing her mind on this quote… My mind is the center of Divine operation… and that means expansion into something that is better than anything that has gone before.
Next… Visualize your arrival.
The next step to manifestation is to visualize yourself already living the life you imagine and to do so so vividly, that you FEEL yourself in it. I call this five-sensorizing. When you imagine your vision, What do you see? What do you hear? What does that life taste like? What does it smell like? What do you feel? Feel yourself in it now. Visualize your arrival.
Behrend vividly imagined her arrival by sitting on her bed every night and counting out 20 imaginary $1K bills. But she didn’t stop there. To more emphatically impress upon her mind he reason for the $20K, she imagined herself riding on the ship to London, walking the deck and talking with other passengers, she imagined herself meeting Troward, asking to be his pupil, and she imagined him enthusiastically saying YES (even though he had already replied NO to her letter). She imagined this in such a way that she felt it in every cell of her being.
But Behrend didn’t just think it, she “inked” it. In order to more emphatically impress her mind with the purpose for the $20K, she wrote out her picture.
One of the most important, but often missed steps in manifestation, is to write out in vivid detail, the picture of what you want AND the purpose for which you want it. The action of writing actually stimulates both the left and right hemispheres of the brain so as to more emphatically impress your whole brain with your vision. So if you want to manifest $200K, write out in detail how we see yourself using that money – to help my daughter pay off her $50K in student loans, $10K to take my parents on a trip to Sweden, $50K to remodel the kitchen with black granite and cherry cabinets, $35K for my new midnight blue Prius, $20K to be able to support my church in their building fund… you get the picture. Visualize your arrive, in your mind and on paper.
Then… Proceed with absolute certainty
There is a moment in the manifestation process where we must move from a belief that it is going to happen, to absolute certainty that the thing we desire will come to fruition.
To illustrate the difference between belief and certainty, consider the following true story…
Inarguably the most famous tightrope walker of all time, Charles Boldin, crossed Niagra Falls many many times, always with a different antic – crossing blindfolded, crossing on stilts, even stopping midway to fry and eat an omelet. One day before he set out across the falls, he asked the people watching him if they believed he could cross the falls with out falling. They all cheered and said YES, we believe! He then asked who then would be willing to ride on his back while he crossed the falls. No one in the crowd raised their hand. His manager, however, stepped forward and rode safely across the falls on the back of Blondin. This is the difference between belief and absolute certainty.
When you have absolute certainty, all doubt and fear disappear because we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can create what we want to create, have what we want to have, and be what we want to be. When we have absolute certainty, we live in grateful expectation – as grateful as we expect to be when the thing we desire actually shows up.
This shift happened for Behrend when she realized that if the Universe gave her the idea to study with Troward, then all the power of the Universe must be behind the fulfillment of that idea.
The same is true for each of us. We can’t have an idea but that the Source of that idea wouldn’t provide for its fulfillment. Say YES to your vision and then step into absolute certainty, knowing that the Universe will provide everything necessary for it’s fruition.
Finally, when an idea comes… Act quickly, calmly, and confidently… leaving no stone unturned.
It is ideas that open the doors to your imagined future. Ideas are the first currency of the Universe. They are gold in your pocket. When you get one, act on it. And don’t act casually. Act quickly, calmly, and confidently, leaving no stone unturned.
Wallace Wattles, author of The Science of Getting Rich, said that it is on this point that many a great thinker has met shipwreck. As they have failed to connect thought with the need for personal action. It is action that puts us in position to catch the ball that’s been put in flight through our thought, vision and grateful expectation. We cannot expect the Universe to do for us what it can only do through us.
After focusing her thought on her oneness with the co-creative power of the Universe, counting out her 20 imaginary $1000 bills every morning and night, and stepping into absolute certainty, Behrend got an idea. It was an idea that seemed to come “out of the blue”. But she soon realized that it was a $20K idea. She never said what the idea was, but once she realized that this could possibly produce the money she needed, she took immediate action, proceeding calmly and confidently, and leaving “no stone unturned”. She said that, “By so doing, one circumstance seemed naturally to lead to another, until step by step, my desired $20K was secured.” The whole process she, from the point she realized she needed $20K to actually manifesting it, took about six weeks.
Don’t stop short of action.
What is it you would like to manifest in your life?
Start by knowing that the life you want wants you. This is a co-creative process with the Universe. Visualize yourself already living that life – write out your vision and five-sensorize it – let yourself feel it in every cell of your being. Continue to work with your thoughts and your vision until you are able to move into a place of absolute certainty that that which you desire will become a reality – this is a place where there is no fear or doubt. And finally, when you get an idea… and you will, act on it! Act quickly, calmly, and confidently, leaving no stone unturned.
When you put in place these four steps, you are bound to follow in the footsteps of Genivieve Behrend and become a master manifestor.
I love the way you present Pam. You speak directly to my understanding. Thank you for taking the time to write this.
I began with a copy of Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend and then moved on to studying Thomas Troward himself. SO interesting! I have poor credit and work as a receptionit, yet using what I learned I obtained a new car and then a great little house within 6 months. Now I’m reading Neville Goddard and deciding what I want next. I am working on focusing on a specific amount of money in the bank like Genevieve did. I am tired of worrying about bills. Will see what happens. : )
Great stuff, Pam. I have read and watched videos on visualization. But your explanation is about the best, I have come across. Thanks a lot. Andrew
Thank you. Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy.