30 Days Raw – Day 6: Happy Joints

Today’s Observations
One of the things I’m noticing today is that my joints are not achy… like, at all. When I eat less raw and more wheat in particular, my joints become stiff and achy, and sometimes even painful. From everything I’ve read, that achyness is from inflammation caused by low-level, or not so low-level, food sensitivities or allergies. Inflammation is the immune system’s healing response, but when in a constant triggered state, it can be damaging to the body. Casein, the protein in dairy products, and gluten, the protein in wheat are common allergens. Without wheat and dairy in my diet, my joints are happier… and so am I 🙂
Another observation is that I had a major sneezing and runny nose episode this afternoon. Could this be by body detoxing?? I think so. I googled ‘raw food detox symptoms’ and runny nose and headache (which I now also have) were at the top of the list. The remedy – power through it, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of rest. I think I’ll be going to bed early tonight.
Today’s Menu
Green Smoothie with OJ, cucumber, lime, a handful of cilantro, and an avocado
Snacks – grapes, apple, raw cashews
Angel Hair ‘Pasta’ with tomato, basil and capers for dinner and a salad of micro-greens
Today’s New Recipe
I always used to love angel hair pasta with olive oil, tomatoes, fresh basil, and capers with freshly grated parmesan cheese and black pepper. I wanted to try to recreate this same dish raw, over cucumber noodles. The result was deeeelicious. Please note that my measurements are not exact as i usually just ‘eyeball’ everything.
Angel Hair ‘Pasta’ with Tomato, Basil, and Capers (4+ Yums)
1/2 cup diced tomatoes
1/4 cup fresh Basil chopped (or to taste)
1/4 cup capers
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Celtic sea salt to taste
Freshly ground pepper to taste
1/4 cup raw pine nuts
1 English cucumber, peeled
Mix the tomatoes, basil, capers, olive oil, salt and pepper in a bowl and let sit so the flavors blend while you create the noodles. Julienne the cucumber with a julienne peeler (my favorite gadget which i picked up at Whole Foods) and place cucumber noodles on a plate. Top with the tomato, basil, caper mixture and top that with pine nuts and enjoy!
I served this with a small side salad of organic micro-greens that I picked up at Trader Joes. I dressed the greens with a drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice, and topped with salt and pepper and a few pine nuts. This was the biggest surprise of the meal. I loved the micro-greens!
Today’s Affirmation
I rejoice in my body’s ability to clear itself of unwanted aches and pains.