30 Days Raw – Day 25 and Feeling Alive
Today’s Observations
I’ve just completed day 25 and I am still feeling really good with really high energy. My mental clarity is one of the biggest changes I have noticed. Live foods just make be feel more alive, plain and simple. Making a new recipe everyday is getting to be a bit of a challenge, I’m not sure how Julie Powell did it for 365 days! Kudos to her. I realized I haven’t run the numbers lately, so here they are:
25 days raw
22 new recipes
6 pounds lost
1 80th birthday party survived
Today’s Menu
Coconut, Mango, Raspberry smoothie
Snacks – pears, apples, LARA bar
Cucumber noodles with cream sauce and capers for dinner (check out day 6)
Lime Mousse with pineapple for dessert
Today’s New Recipe
I was a little short on time, so instead of making this whole Lime Mouse Tart recipe from Raw Food Real Word, I just made the mouse and served it with fresh pineapple wedges, and it was really good. This recipe serves 4-6. Enjoy.
Lime Mousse (4 Yums)
5 ripe avocados
1/2 cup lime juice
1/4 cup packed lime zest (6-8 limes) – this was a challenge with my zester
1/4 cup agave
2 tablespoons coconut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
10 packets stevia (I did not add this because I don’t like the after taste from Stevia. I just added a bit more agave.
Mix everything except Stevia in a blender until smooth. Add Stevia or agave to taste if needed.
Today’s Affirmation
I’m living a contagious life of outrageous joy, unimaginable abundance, and pure Divine love.