30 Days Raw – Day 23: The Greatest Love of All
Today’s Observations
I’ve had that Whitney Houston song stuck in my head all day…
The greatest love of all is happening to me.
I found the greatest love of all inside of me…..
If I should fail, if I succeed,
At least I’ll live as I believe….
Because the greatest love of all…
I don’t know why it is that songs get stuck in our heads. But as long as this one kept showing up, it made me wonder why I was singing this song out of the millions of songs I could get stuck with… and it made me wonder if eating raw foods for the past 23 days has anything to do with it. Raw foods do clear the toxins, and do raise your energy and do raise your vibration – all of which might cause anyone to bust out singing, even if you can’t carry a tune in a bucket. But I rather like to think the reason is pretty simple – It makes me happy to belt out that song, not caring if I’m in tune or on key. It makes me happy to sing the words – “the greatest love of all inside of me”. It makes me happy. That’s it. Pretty simple. And I like being happy. So I think I’ll just keep on singing…
I found the greatest love of all…
Today’s Menu
Fruit Salad with banana
Simple Apple Cobbler
Pear and 2 LARA bars for lunch
Asian Pear Salad for Dinner
Bowl of Watermelon
Today’s New Recipe
I saw an Asian Pear, Celery, Dill salad listed on a menu in the local Castle Rock paper. I thought it sounded good and I set out to create my own recipe. I think it turned out pretty good and is definitely something I will make again. Feel free to adjust the amounts to your own taste as I just kind of throw things together and try to figure out amounts afterwards 🙂
Asian Pear, Celery and Dill Salad with Cashews (4 Yums)
2 cups of Asian Pear, diced
1/2 cup celery diced
1/4-1/2 cup raw cashews
2 tablespoons dill, minced
Juice of one lime
Just a few sprinkles of toasted sesame oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Put all ingredients in a bowl. Toss together and enjoy.
Today’s Affirmation
Today I joyously sing like no one’s listening and dance, like no one’s watching.