30 Days Raw – Day 14: End of Week Two

Today’s Observations
I’m at the end of week two, and I’m feeling really good. Eating 100% raw gets easier every day. I find that I am satisfied on much less food than I was eating when I fell off the wagon. I’m glad I’ve challenged myself to make a new recipe each day and I’ve implemented a morning routine that I love.
Let’s run the numbers:
14 days raw
12 new recipes
5 pounds lost
1 lost yoga mat found 🙂
Today’s Menu
Sarma’s Favorite Green Shake for breakfast
Raw Potato Salad (See Day 5) for lunch
Orange Beet salad with an avocado and orange for dinner
Today’s New Recipe – Orange Beet Salad
I had some beets hanging around in my fridge, so I thought I’d give this a try. The recipe comes from The Raw Gourmet, but Nomi Shannon. I’ve always loved cooked beets, and I’ve juiced beets, but I’ve never eaten them raw like this. This dish was good, but it needed a bit more flavor. I threw in a couple extra ingredients, but I think I’ll have to try adding a few more things to the left overs to see if I can make this a winner. The funnest part of this was using the mandolin for the first time to slice up the beets. It was actually pretty cool.
Orange Beet Salad (2+ Yums)
3 cups grated beets
Juice of 1 orange
Zest of 1 orange
1 Tablespoon maple syrup
1 Tablespoon olive oil
Pinch of salt (I added a little more)
I added one diced green onion
Toss all ingredients together in a bowl. Let sit for a few minutes so the flavors can blend.
Today’s Affirmation
Today’s affirmation is simple, yet powerful.
I am grateful.